
Thursday, May 19, 2016

090 My Life Fast Forward (and some know-hows ; what should you be as housemen)

Empat tahun tak menulis. Yes, I am THAT busy.
No lah. Tak busy sangat pun, sometimes, when you stopped, you tend to.. not start.

I am living happily peacefully my life is basically a shipwreck. With my happiness abandoned, living life wishing there would be more than 24 hours a day. Not sleeping for more than 24 hours a day. Working non stop from 8am today till 8 am the next day or sometimes more than that with little to less time to rest. Occasionally having mental breakdown and emotional crises. Being criticized by from the upper part of the management and bullied even by the juniors. That's me.

Itulah kehidupan sebagai seorang HO ( Houseman/ Pegawai Perubatan Siswazah ). Kena tengking kena marah dengan MO, boss, staff nurse, senior HO, pesakit, waris pesakit, tu semua alah bisa tegal biasa. There are ups and downs. My HO life started with O&G (sakit puan) then Surgery (pembedahan) then Medicine (perubatan) then Orthopaedic ( bedah tulang? lol) then General Anaesthesia (Bius)  then my last one which I am currently in is Paediatric ( Kanak-kanak). The journey was not a smooth sailing, but through thick and thins and the storms I finally came to my last posting.

I learnt a lot for the past 1 and a half years and I am eager to learn more ( but not that eager to work more... It's tiring) but where else can I learn other than from working. My line of job need experience and practice not only brain.

During the past years as HO, what I learned :

1. Be yourself. Others can criticize you but only you can change yourself. Forget people and the way they critic. Just take the input and leave out all the rest, the high tone and the angry eyes. All of it. Different people have different ways. Saya ada boss yang baik dan sangat megajar, boss yang garang tapi mengajar, boss yang baik tapi tak pernah mengajar, boss yang sarkastik, boss yang selfish, boss yang.. ok let's stop. The improtant thing is don't let it get to your head. It'll just stressed you out

2. Teamwork is important. I have great team during my first and second posting, but during my third posting, I met a group of friends which made me realise, I do not have to have somebody or bestfriend in my each posting. I don't have to be sad if I know no one during that posting. I have them. We stick together even when we went to different postings each. During my third posting, working is easy because I have great friends. I know I will survive oncall that night because I have them, even if my oncall is super crazy with loads of admissions. Don't go somewhere else doing your own work if your MO or friend resuscitating patient (even if that patient is not your patient). They need help. I see my junior doing that and that is just so irritating. When patient collapsed, there are just so many things to do and they need more help then they can get. Don't come and just stood there doing nothing. Now that is worst.

3. Practice makes perfect. Practice and practice and practice some more. Even if you think you are doing great you should practice. It doesn't stop there. Maybe you just haven't meet the worst. Practice taking history. Practice taking bloods. Practice doing procedures. Practice intubation. Practice resuscitation. Practice everything. It will help you survive in the future.

4.Be respectful and be humble. Even to the cleaner. Mana tau kena mintak tolong belikan makanan tapi tak ada orang nak tolong malam-malam. ;)

5. If you are busy and there are a lot of works to do, breathe in, don't stressed out. Just do the work. Don't think. Thinking you are busy is not helping with the work.

6. Always ask for help if you think you are not getting there. I have my own ego, if I do not get something, I'll try my best until I get what I want. Especially with the blood taking. I will try to finish what I started unless I have no confidence or I am harming the patient. I know my limit. That is why I need practice. Once, I tried to poke an ex-IVDU more than 20 times just to get a line. I have experience poking in the strangest places. So let's just say do not follow your ego.

and lastly,

Now keep calm and let's work.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

089 Cars, oh cars!


Dah berabad tak hapdet! fuhhhhhh fuuuuhh~~*tiup habuk*
Dah lupe da kewujudan blog ni.. Haha. Maklumlah busy (busy tengok movie, busy chatting, busy melepak, busy study jauh sekali... hmmm.. tolonglah berubah ain!)

Sekarang ni tengah cuti. Yes, CNY, sume tau, how lame pendahuluan saye. Currently dah habis posting Surgery, nak proceed masuk Medicine next week (Ya Allah, selamatkan lah hamba mu ini!). Lately, banyak pulak dugaan yang datang. Haritu kereta kena langgar, huhuhu. Sikit jer. Tu tak terkesan lagi kat hati. Mase nak pergi report polis tu lah yang paling mengguris jiwa dan raga. Pergi sampai tiga balai baru selesai! Balik malam2. Memang bad mood lah malam tu. Memang sumpah taknak involve dalam mana2 urusan dengan polis trafik kat Malaysia ni! Serius! Bawak pun dah kurang sikit dari 140km/h. Control je speed takut kena deal dengan pakcik baju putih seluar hitam lagi.

Dah dijadikan takdir kot. Masa balik cuti CNY tu hari, kena lagi. Tapi bukan speed trap, kena saman sebab tak pakai tali pinggang keledar (Okeyh I know. Ops sikap. Sikap saye memang kureng sikit atas jalan raya ni). Kalau kena saman speeding tu tak pe gak, nampak macho sket. Cis2. Okelah, itu kira settle la sbab memang salah sendiri. Saya mengaku kekurangan sikap pemanduan saya.

Now, just NOW, konon bukak lah list saman online tu. Tengok boleh bayar online ke tak. Serius yang baru saman tu takde lagi dalam list. Kuar pulak saman lain sebab traffic obstruction di Jalan Sultan Ibrahim(???????) di JB on 4/9/2011. WTH???!!! I was in Sungai Buloh la dear pakcik-baju-putih-seluar-hitam-konon-macho. I was like grrrrrrrrr.... menyirap darah. Nasib baik tak tukar jadi Super Saiya. Okelah. Tell me macam mana Makcik (name kereta saye Makcik, sebab selalu mengaum bila tekan minyak, laju taknak, bebel je lebih)  saye boleh terbang pergi JB pukul 1.30 pm hari tu? Adakah Doraemon letak pintu suka hati merata2? I was definitely in Sungai Buloh! 

Okay, now dah cool. Everyone makes mistakes. With that in mind, saye akan bayar saman or is it samans? (Ok. I know. Summons). Nak argue pun tak pasal2 je kerja banyak. Just nak tanya, is it me the only person that received ticket for an unknown offense or is there anyone eslse yang dah kna? This type of error shouldn't even be there. Efektif ke saman yang sepatutnya untuk orang yang buat salah dapat kepada orang yang tak buat salah langsung? Dan perlu ke nak ikut kawasan kalau nak buat report kemalangan? My accident was in Sungai Buloh, I need to do my report in Selayang? Went to Damansara, that police tell me, I supposed to report that in Rawang. Went to Rawang, I was told to be in Selayang. Kalau report tak ikut kawasan tak boleh ke? Kan ada dalam sistem? Ok. Maybe saya yang tak faham cara perlaksanaan kerja mereka. Sumpah taknak deal dengan pakcik-seluar-hitam-baju-putih lagi~ Serius saya bawak slow2 je pasni.

Ni bukan Makcik. Ni  kereta ayah haritu kena langgar depan rumah,
sebab: parking depan rumah mase CNY.  WTH jugak!

Ni bekas brek kereta tu. Nampak sangat laju. Dalam kawasan  perumahan bawak slow2 lah!!
Dah la langgar lari. Tak bertanggungjawab betul manusia zaman sekarang ni!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

088 Be happy with your life


Masa baca buku ni, mengalir air mata macam ape. Sorang2 kat library pulak tu. Kalau orang tengok, apa kena lah minah ni nangis sorang2 macam fail exam *oh please don't*. Buku bertajuk Natrah : Cinta Rusuhan dan Air Mata, ade kat library hospital. Silalah browse, pinjam dan hayati.

Buku ni mengisahkan tentang Natrah @ Bertha Herthog seorang remaja Belanda yang dilahirkan di Indonesia dan diambil sebagai anak angkat secara sah oleh Che Aminah dari Kemaman. Kisah hidup dia ni sangat menyayat hati dimana keluarga asalnya telah membawa kes Natrah ke mahkamah untuk menuntut balik hak penjagaan. Natrah masa tu umur baru 13 tahun telah dikahwinkan dengan seorang pemuda bernama Mansoor yang umurnya 22 tahun ketika itu atas nama cinta. Atas sebab budaya, agama umur perkahwinan bawah umur yang pelik pada pandangan orang Barat ketika tu, kes Natrah telah diambil oleh pihak mahkamah Barat yang akhirnya telah memulangkan balik hak penjagaan Natrah kepada ibu bapa asal.


Jadi bermulalah kisah menyayat hati dimana kes rusuhan telah berlaku dimana orang Muslim Melayu tidak puas hati dengan keputusan mahkamah kerana Natrah masa kecilnya telah dibesarkan dengan cara Melayu, dengan beragama Islam. Kes rusuhan tersebut telah mengorbankan bebrapa orang Melayu dan mencederakan beberapa yang lain.

Natrah dengan ibu angkatnya, Che Aminah
Natrah pula yang telah dibawa pulang Belanda melalui zaman kanak2 yang susah. Kerana di Malaysia, Natrah dibesarkan oleh Che Aminah dalan keluarga yang senang dan berada (Che Aminah ialah adalah keturunan bangsawan ketika itu), di Belanda pula keluarga Natrah adalah miskin, dia terpakasa membuat kerja2 rumah dan telah dipandang hina kerana kisah hidupnya di Malaysia.

Ok. Tu je, lalalala. Nak tau lebih, silalah baca sendiri ye.. FYI, Natrah dah pun meninggal dunia pada tahun 2009 lepas. Mansoor aka cinta Natrah yang tak kesampaian (cheewaah) pun sudah meninggal pada tahun 1998 ke 1997, tak ingat. It's just sad that I am a bit late to learn about her. Tapi yang pasti kisah dia ni sangat lah menyedihkan, boleh jadi iktibar kepada semua, InsyaAllah~

Thursday, October 27, 2011

087 In Heaven

Not the feeling, literally.

Yeah, JYJ In Heaven album, I am waiting for youuuu~

And guess what, my seminar is tomorrow. and my case write up is also due tomorrow, still haven't finish completely. And currently I am not anywhere near 'the zone'.

Yup. The zone, the mood to study or anything. I just want to be able to finish my works and wish for the best for the next week and tomorrow *crossing my fingers tightly*. I have to clerk patients too. Gosh, these days my emotional graph is pretty much upside-down. Ok. Off to work now.

Sometimes this is only what I have in my mind

Then, when the time comes, I'll be miserable 

And all I see is this mad-looking-Luffy pointing finger at me

I guess i need to stop watching One Piece.

Monday, September 5, 2011

086 Sweet ;))


Lately, saye minat sangat kat lagu River Flows In You by Yiruma. Dapat tau daripada Twilight's (Patty encem ^^") Bella's Lullaby - tatau ape kaitan lagu ni dengan lagu Yiruma ni. Nak kate Yiruma punye lagu tak jugak... Hmm...  Terjebak pun sebab Youtube lah. (thanks Youtube sebab melalaikan hidupku... T_T") So, sekarang ni seriously dah jatuh head over heels dah dengan lagu ni. Lepas tu, thanks A LOT to youtube jugak lah ( I'm being sarcastic!) , dekat playlist sebelah tu ade banyak lagu Yiruma yang lain, so yay, a new fan of Yiruma have been born (21 years ago literally) ;))

Lagu ni memang dari mula smpai habis x boring2 dengar, lepas tu ulang2 macam tak cukup button replay nak tekan, LOL. Tah pape. Abaikan. Saye memang macam ni. Kalau nak tau lebih pasal pak cik ni, sila google sendiri okeyh. Oh ye, rupa2 nye, pak cik ni banyak buat OST untuk popular korean dramas mcm Autumn in My Heart dan Secret Garden... hehehe (another reason for me to be a fan).

Cool kan pakcik ni, I really wish I could play like him.

Budak ni pun smart je. Anak sape la ni.. (name die Jung Sung Ha)
cari la kat Youtube, die byk buat cover lagu2 best in piano and guitar. 

Anyway, lepas dengar satu lagu je terus download album die yg First Love tu (Yiruma, bukan Jung Sung Ha okeyh). Lagu2 lain yang cambest - Kiss The Rain, If I Could See You Again... Okeyh, pergi google je lah. banyak sangat lagu die yg cambest. 

Ok. lagu ni macam selalu dengar kan? Kenapa macam familiar ea?
Ok. Abaikan.


edited : oh. umur die mcm 30-an.. mudenye dah cipta lagu2 yg best.. kan?
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