
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

079 Clerking is so much fun when you open your heart.


Dulu-dulu kalau nak clerk patient mesti rasa macam oh-so-boh-san sebab kena banyak tanya2 then balik jumpe doc mesti kena marah (sampai sekarang pun) sebab tak complete, tak cukup, tak sesuai dan etc. Ingat lagi bedside mase 2nd year, selalu kena marah dengan Dr.M sebab tak reti nak buat summary. LOL. Lepas tu semua takut kalau dapat Dr.M. But, ironically, we'd always have Dr.M as our lec that day. Hmmmm... 

Sekarang, bile fikir balik, agak best lah jugak clerking ni. It's pretty simple, when you get to know the patient, you'll open up your heart to receive everything they'll say. Not just what they're having. So, rule of the thumb is, just know them inside out, borak2 macam jumpe makcik saudara, atau pun tanya je macam2, kalau diorang dapat rasa yang kita ni sincere, then they'll tell you everything. Then kalau jadi pelajar, lagilah senang diorang nak share, walaupun dah belambak student yang tanya diorang, still akan repeat balik everything. Thank you very much in that area! ^^ 

So, hari ni , nak share lah sorang patient ni. Kak Y, she's always laughing and have this very positive mind. Nampak sangat muda walaupun dah nak 40 tahun!! (mula2 kami ingat dia ni 27-30 years old kot) She's pretty interesting, PV bleeding with pain agg with heavy works. Katanye ade bengkak. Eh, out of the topic pulak. Macam ni, tadi datang nak clerk kakak ni. Lepas tu, kami pulak yang dapat lecture. But it was good. About being positive in life dan terima hakikat seadanya sebab, semua yang berlaku mesti ade hikmah disebaliknya. She took examples from her life, and from there, you'll know everything. Like what kind of person she is?, how is her relationship with her family and what kind of lifestyle she used to had. Basically, redha in everything and smile a LOT!!!

See, not all clerking is boring.

Alright, that's all I think. Macam tulis karangan pulak panjang2 macam ni. Adoi.

p/s : DK is my supervisor, and he kept asking us to do research on what is the actual amount of bleeding in PPH, DUB etc. and how to measure them. Like 'how much' exactly is 'that much'? He told us to weigh the pads in the labour room and all. LOL. Was he serious? Please tell me he wasn't. 

I would like to, but hmmm....

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